
Details of our next meeting can be found below.  Past and future meetings can be found here.  If you are not on our circulation list and would like to join these meetings please e-mail us at


March 2025


Black holes: science fact, fiction or fantasy ~ Professor Christine Done (University of Durham)




Like minded people interested in a particular subject rarely get the chance to meet up and discuss their interests in a convivial atmosphere. Here at The Local Group we gather once a month at a local hotel in Bexhill, East Sussex where over an evening meal we discuss all aspects of the science behind astronomy.  Active participation is expected and encouraged. Our meetings differ to those of traditional society events with an invited speaker. We maintain a friendly and informal atmosphere and if you would like to attend our meetings please e-mail us at or call on 07768 175580.  Some of The Local Group give talks and demonstrations to schools, youth groups, business and  charitable clubs. Details can be found on our website  

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy We take our name from the "Local Group of Galaxies" in which our galaxy, The Milky Way, is one of the larger members.  The Local Group has more than 50 galaxies spread over a distance of 10 million light years.  Prominent members include the Andromeda galaxy (left, click image to enlarge), M31, and its satellites M32 and M110; the Triangulum galaxy, M33 and our own Milky Way.  Our Local Group forms part of the Virgo Supercluster. Use this link to find out more about our local group of galaxies .


Images from The Local Group ~ September 2023

 20220127 M1   

Images of the ISS transiting the Sun have been rare in recent months but a nice one with good definition from Bob Okines is below.  Taken with his Canon 250D, ISO 1200 and 1/2000 sec exposure and finally processed in Affinity Photo.  This is four stacked images and sunspots galore.

Image: Bob Okines