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Clock Control
Clock Status Light
Settings Status Light
Jeffrey Stuart MacKinnonAstroClock
Version 6.04 (ΔAT = +35; DUT1 = +0.4)

Mean Obliquity of the Ecliptic

True Obliquity of the Ecliptic

Settings Default=St Leonards on Sea
DST       TZ

Nutation in Longitude
Earth's Orbital Eccentricity
Nutation in Obliquity
Equation of the Equinoxes
Earth Rotation Angle
Equation of Time

Coordinated Universal Time

Operating System Civil Time

Universal Time 1

Civil Time

International Atomic Time

Standard Time

Global Positioning System Time

Local Mean Solar Time

Terrestrial Time (Dynamical)

Local Apparent Solar (Sundial) Time

Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time

Local Mean Sidereal Time

Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time

Local Apparent Sidereal Time

Julian Day (JD)

Julian Day (JDE)

Modified Julian Day (MJD)

Modified Julian Day (MJDE)

Two-Line Element Format Epoch Time

User Instructions and Notes


1)  As of Version 6.01, AstroClock now utilizes the 488-term NU2000K Nutation Model, developed by George H. Kaplan of the United States Naval Observatory (March, 2004). It utilizes the luni-solar fundamental argument, planetary longitude, and general precession in longitude expressions from Simon et al.(1994) throughout. The NU2000K Nutation Model is fully documented in the United States Naval Observatory NOVAS-C 3.0 software package.

2)  The user's HTTP client application (browser) must support JavaScript Version 1.2 or later - and have JavaScript enabled.

3)  The user's System Clock must be properly set for correct date, time, and time zone - even if the user enters correct values under "Settings". Because AstroClock is a JavaScript application, all calculations are made using the user's System Clock, so it must be set correctly and accurately.

The user may wish to consider running an SNTP ("Simple Network Time Protocol") client application on his or her system to ensure accurate time. If one is not already installed, AboutTime, by Paul Lutus, is an excellent one which I have used for many years and recommend highly. It is freeware (the author calls it "CareWare").

4)  AstroClock user Settingsallow the user to specify values for any location, time zone, and/or Daylight Saving Time setting on Earth.

5)  "Longitude" can be entered in any one of the three standard formats: ddd.dddddd (decimal degrees), ddd:mm.mmmmmm (degrees and decimal minutes), ddd:mm:ss.ssssss(degrees, minutes, and decimal seconds). Negative signs are ignored - direction east or west of the prime meridian - which passes through Greenwich, England, UK - is specified using the "E/W" drop-down menu selection control to the right of the "Longitude" text type-in field.

6)  The "DST" checkbox indicates whether or not "Daylight Saving Time" (also known as "Summer Time" or "Advanced Time") is in effect. Note that the significance of this checkbox being checked is that Daylight Saving Time is actually in effect - not merely that the location specified observesDaylight Saving Time. It is independent of the System Clock settings.

7)  "TZ" is the time zone offset in decimal hours. A negative sign is ignored - direction east or west of the prime meridian (time zone "Zero" or "Z") is specified using the "E/W" drop-down menu selection control to the right of the "TZ" text type-in field. Do notinclude the effect of Daylight Saving Time in this value as it is specified separately. (For example, New York City should be specified as "5" "W" all year round.) It is independent of the System Clock settings.

8)  The user Settingsare preloaded for the author's home, located on Little Sebago Lake in Gray, Maine, USA.




1)  An Abridged Model of the Precession-Nutation of the Celestial Pole, by Dennis D. McCarthy and Brian J. Luzum - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 85, Issue 1, pages 37-49 (January, 2003)

2)  Astronomical Algorithms, Second Edition, by Jean Meeus

3)  The Astronomical Almanac, jointly published by the United States Nautical Almanac Office of the United States Naval Observatory and Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

4)  Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann

5)  The IAU's Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA)initiative

6)  Equation of Time formula from the Textbook on Spherical Astronomy (1977), by William M. Smart

7)  Thanks also to Dr. Dennis D. McCarthy and Sean E. Urban of the United States Naval Observatory


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